Getting braces as an adult can be a bit awkward. You want a straight, beautiful smile, but you don’t want to show up to the next office meeting, appearing as you stepped out of junior high yearbook with a mouth full of metal. Thankfully, today, there’s a better option. Invisalign clear teeth aligners can give the same stunning results without the metal mouth. In the next few paragraphs, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about Invisalign to make the best decision for your smile. 

Invisalign clear aligners grosso orthodonticsWhat Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of clear, plastic aligners that can be worn over your teeth. Each set of Invisalign aligners is worn for about two weeks until it’s replaced with a new set that’s closer to the smile you want. After just two to three months of using the aligners, many people will start to see a difference in their teeth. The course of treatment will vary from person to person, but the average Invisalign treatment lasts 12 months. They’re custom-made for your mouth and can be removed during eating, brushing and flossing. Invisalign can generally treat crooked teeth, overbite, underbite, crossbite and more. Head over to and take the smile assessment to see if Invisalign is right for your mouth. 

What Is The Cost Of Invisalign?

Payment plans are available, but the cost of Invisalign is similar to metal braces. It will vary from person to person, depending on the length of treatment and insurance coverage. Most insurances cover a significant portion of the Invisalign cost, but a few will only cover traditional braces. See your dental professional discuss payment options.

Pros & Cons Of Invisalign

Because you need all the information to make an informed decision, we’ve broken down a list of pros and cons about Invisalign.

Pros Of Invisalign 


Invisalign is much more physically comfortable to wear than traditional braces. There are no wires, metal brackets or rubber bands, so you don’t have to worry about nicks and scrapes from the metal or snaps of the bands. The aligners are smooth with no sharp edges. 


Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating, brushing and most importantly, for special occasions. When you don’t want anything getting in the way of your smile, just remove the aligners. Metal braces are always in your mouth until treatment is finished, which can mean food stuck in your teeth and complications with flossing. With Invisalign, you can take the aligners out every night for a few minutes and clean your teeth thoroughly, meaning less risk of cavities and gum disease. 


Invisalign is clear so that you won’t have obvious metal brackets crowding your smile. Most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them. You’ll feel confident in whatever you’re doing. From an office meeting to a first date, Invisalign is barely noticeable. Of course, we mentioned earlier, if you have a very special occasion, it’s OK to take Invisalign out for a few hours, but this should be limited to avoid delays in treatment time. 

Cons To Invisalign 


The aligners can get dingy or cloudy over time. To help with this, when you remove your aligners to brush your teeth, you’ll also want to brush the aligners with a solution of water and bleach. Scrubbing them for a minute every other day will help eliminate any stains from developing. 


Sure, we mentioned this in the pro section, but this can also be a con. Since the aligners need to be removed before you eat, it may be awkward in some circumstances, like going to a restaurant. The aligners need to be worn at least 22 hours a day, so don’t leave them at home unless it’s a significant event, like your wedding. 


Although Invisalign is more comfortable than traditional braces, they’re not entirely pain-free. There will be some discomfort when you’re fitted for a new set until your teeth adjust. This can be alleviated by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. It’s worth noting that traditional metal braces can also cause pain when adjusting. 

Now that you have all the information, it’s time to discuss Invisalign with a dental professional. Call to make an appointment and see if Invisalign could work for you.

Grosso Orthodontics is dedicated to providing healthy smiles for all of our patients. We look forward to partnering with you to achieve a beautiful, straight smile for your child. Schedule a complimentary consultation with us today!